> The Alley Chicago welcomes Bucketfeet

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Art is For everyone: The Alley Chicago welcomes Bucketfeet


It’s been a bit of a crazy week at The Alley- but the truth is it always is a bit crazy around our parts. We just finished up our Monster sale and are gearing up for our 39th anniversary on June 6th (6/6/15). Even with all of that craziness we still can’t help obsessing about our newest brand in store: Bucketfeet which will officially be in store May 5th.  

Bucketful launched in 2011 when an artist and a backpacker meet traveling in Argentina. Through a pair of hand-drawn shoes they both were inspired to start Bucketfeet. Their mission is to “connect people through art by tapping into the creativity and diversity of the world.”  Besides all of that history and the fact these are baller looking sneakers here’s 10 reasons why we love them (and totally think they are better than Vans or Converse)

Each pair of shoes is a work of art done by a real life artist. Not only does it become art you can wear but with each shoe you purchase the artist earns royalties on it. Not only are you promoting art but also are giving back to the artist.

Bucketfeet has collaborated with over 4,000 artists in  more than 60 countries. To us that means they will provide you with the most unique sneakers out there. 

They support Chicago artists and The Alley Chicago plans on specifically carrying Chicago artists in the beginning. 

he company is local, employees Chicagoans, and has the city in their heart.

The shoe has padded collar which adds comfort and support as well as uses premium canvas. Unlike Van’s shoes that typically start to split or buckle on the edges; these are well crafted to fold with your feet and stay in tact longer than Vans. 

The inside is 100% premium cotton-canvas lining which makes it easy to wear with socks or without. Perfect for flipping into before a bike ride to the lake front.

Unlike a pair of Converse that typically take awhile to break in (and usually includes a few blisters and uncomfortable days) The inside insoles have added cushioning using proprietary ‘massage bubbles’, is anti-mildew, and can be taken out to wash. 

Each box is hella cool with a cartoon story of the brand as well as 100% recyclable. Giving back to Mother Earth is one of the best qualities of this brand. 

Bucketfeet has an artist network: that means our employees and customers who are beyond creative will have the opportunity to submit artwork with hopes of designing the next pair of Bucketfeet. If one of our customers ever wins we promise to throw them the worlds best pizza party :)

The artists political messages are not hindered by the company: For instance one of our favorite designs is by Dj Lu from Bogota Columbia. He is a street graffiti artist who uses stencils. His design, the pineapple grenade speaks out about the fields being polluted with mines and how it effects the farmers and the community. Not only are these beautiful but they have a powerful message. 

Check out the video below of all the Alley employees picking out the future Bucketfeet shoes for our store.







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