> Legalize NOT Decriminalize Cannabis

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Legalize NOT Decriminalize Cannabis


2 weeks ago, we asked our fans of FaceBook which they would prefer in Illinois, to have cannabis legalized or decriminalized. The response was overwhelmingly in favor of legalization. Let's briefly discuss the difference: 

The main concern (held by a small amount of our followers but still should be addressed) is that "the government can tax if it's legal, but NOT if it's decriminalized." In my opinion, this is a VERY short sided way of thinking; here's why-If cannabis is decriminalized,that means it is not a jail-able offense, however it does mean that there are fines involved with being caught with whatever amount dictated by local municipalities. So, to me, Id rather pay a small tax than potentially pay a hefty fine. So in essence, the product WILL be taxed either one way or another. Period. So we need to understand that, and stop straw-manning the topic as simply another, "Oh no not more taxes," game of semantics which is used as a wedge issue in order to maintain the status quo.

Even more importantly, decriminalizing leaves an essential element as to why many non-cannabis users actually support its legalization: organized crime, and the perpetual, facade of a "War on Drugs." According to The Economist, "decriminalization's flaw is that it does nothing to undermine the criminal monopoly on the multi-billion-dollar drugs industry."


I do agree with the fact that pretty much anytime (in my opinion) anything the government touches turns to crap. However, my main concern with legalization is NOT taxation, or the government itself, but what PRIVATE corporations will be ALLOWED to do BY the government. IE if we suddenly have a Federal Reserve Bank of Cannabis, the entire system will be destroyed, and somehow there will be a way for the rich to get richer, and a continued redistribution of wealth using the cannabis industry as a new method to an ongoing social IN-justice issue. 

That's my take, love to hear what your thoughts are. Drop us a line or comment to join the discussion. OR At least check out our new totally killer Legalize NOT Decriminalize Tshirt here at The Alley :)

1 comment
Arif December 10, 2015

Thank you so much after 20 years of doing political work and 36 of vontig I really do not care about what anyone has to say until this matter of the marihuana legalization is done with s you know it is ridiculous,hurts the economy, blocks job creations and most importantly it prosecutes good people who do not want to drink alcohol or use prescription drugs.Thank you for stepping up to the front lines with the courage of a Lion and speaking the truth I hope that you have better luck than the supporters of HB0030 in Illinois .I really ,really, really Love and admire you for taking this issue who everyone in the political arena is afraid to touch ,even our president.You should be in the white house, hopefully one day I will get to vote for you.

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