> Nocturna, an 18+ dark subculture dance night

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I remember the days of being under 21 and trying to find a place to go dance and be with other people that shared the same subculture as me (which is longer ago than I care to admit!) . The woe! The suffering! The need to wear my new Lip Service in public!  The vinyl burning a hole in my closet!

There aren't a lot of meet ups or club nights in chicago that are 18+ for the goth/ebm/deathrock/industrial/steampunk/etc scenes, sadly. However, there  is one night, called Nocturna,  hosted and DJ'd by the very talented and loverly ScaryLady Sarah. It's held at the Metro or Bottom Lounge, and it's about ten bucks to get in. Sometimes it features fashion shows, belly dancing or live bands as well! It's always fun when the Glitterguts booth shows up!

I've enjoyed  Nocturna for over about a decade now.  The mix of young and young at heart is awesome to see. The dark scene is really a family, and it's awesome to meet new people and see familiar faces. Every type of person is welcome, and the music selection is varied and enjoyable. Weather you like to dance, stand at the sides and watch, chat with friends on the balcony, try to find a sweetheart or lurk in the corner, this is the night for you. There are two bars as well, but make sure you bring your valid ID if you plan on drinkin'!

Noctuna is held about once a month, and this month's event is coming up!!! This sat, July 7th, Nocturna is being held at the Metro. Doors open at 10pm and goes all the way til 5am! Tons of giveaways, cute vendors and more. Ten bucks to get in!

Check out the event's facebook page here : http://www.facebook.com/events/429017713798362/

Check out DJ ScaryLady Sarah's page here: http://www.facebook.com/scaryladysarah

If you miss this one- never fear! Nocturna happens every month (give or take). If you need a last minute outfit or cool accessories don't forget to stop by and see me (JET!) here at the Alley. Taboo Tabou has cool clubwear too! The Metro is only about a mile down Clark from us, so we are even on the way to the event if you need something last minute :D  (open noon to 10pm saturday).

I hope to see you craaaazy kids out and about this sat at Nocturna. I'll post pics later since lots of the Alley crew are makin' a work outing of it.

Stay beautiful, wear eyeliner, and always, always be yourself.

xoxoxox Jet


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